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4 Ways to Become a Better Dancer

Want to be a better dancer? You may be thinking that the title "good dancer" is only reserved for those who've been dancing since before they could talk, but science has a few hints about what can make someone —anyone who's willing to implement these steps— a great dancer. Yes, even someone with ZERO dance experience before they attended a Dirtylicious class.

 1. Consistency 

Becoming a better dancer requires muscle memory, and muscle memory requires a lot of repetition through practice. Even if you'd never taken a dance class before attending Dirtylicious®, you can become better!

So don’t overthink it – set a goal to come regularly, then make some room in your schedule to attend a class the same days and times each week. Literally schedule it into your phone's calendar with a notification! Take it a step further by dancing in your front room or getting in front of your mirror and practicing the combo...

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